ICRA XIV Conference: August 11 - 15, 2010

Invited Plenary Speakers:

5 additional plenary talks and 10 shorter plenary talks will be selected by the Scientific Advisory Committee during the Workshop from the submitted abstracts.

A program of ICRA XIV Conference will be arranged on the basis of the submitted abstracts during the Workshop. You may give a talk by using white board or any of the following equipment: PC (DVI-files, PDF-files, PostScript-files), overhead projector, overhead camera.

Determined Program


August 11
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
8:45-9:35 Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary
9:45-10:15 Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary
10:30-11:00 Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary
11:10-12:00 Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary
12:00-13:20 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13:20-13:40 Parallels Parallels Free Parallels Parallels
13:50-14:10 Parallels Parallels Parallels Parallels
14:20-14:40 Parallels Parallels Parallels Parallels
14:40-15:10 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
15:10-15:30 Parallels Parallels Parallels Parallels
15:40-16:00 Parallels Parallels Parallels Parallels
16:10-17:00 Plenary Plenary Plenary Plenary

Mealtimes at NYC: Breakfast 7:00-9:00, Lunch 11:30-13:30, Dinner 17:00-19:00