
Here is a standard format (template) for articles to submit to Abstract and Proceeding.

Example of the form of Abstract

\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{amsart} %%For LaTex2e

%%%%%%%% The following packages are standard %%%%%%%%
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Use the \theoremstyle %%%%%%%%%
\theoremstyle{plain} %% This is the default


%% Refer the theorem number by the following commands %%%%%%%




%%%%%%% PRINT SIZE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\renewcommand{\thepage}{{\fontsize{14pt}{14pt}\selectfont {--\arabic{page}--}}}



%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Send the follwing part to the organizer %%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%  Write the title of lecture  %%%%%%%%%%%
{\bf EXAMPLE  \\      %title line 1
  OF PAPERS           %title line2

%%%%% Write the name of speaker(s) %%%%%%%
{Name of Speaker(s) }     


%%% Write abstract in the following %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%% Abstract

%%%% the Form of References %%%%%%%%

%% \bibliographystyle{amsplain} 
\newcommand{\bysame}{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\,} 

%%%% Use the label in the form {Name: No. the sequence of Number}.

M.~Auslander, {\em Represenattion theory of artin algebras {\rom i}}, Comm. in 
  Algebra {\bf 1} (1974), 177--258. 

S.O. Smal$\phi$, {\em Global dimension of special endomorphism rings over artin
  algebras}, Illinois J. Math. {\bf 22(3)} (1978), 414--427. 
\bysame, {\em Structure of special endomorphism rings over artin algebras}, 
  Illinois J. Math. {\bf 22(3)} (1978), 428--442. 
%%%% You can use \bysame if the authors are the same as the above.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Send until here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


Example of the form of Proceeding


%%The following pakages are available.
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

%%%%%%%% Theorem style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%




%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Equation style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%% Add the following for editors %%%%%%%%%%%
%\renewcommand{\thepage}{{\fontsize{14pt}{14pt}\selectfont {--\arabic{page}--}}}

%%%%%%%%% PRINT SIZE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\title{EXAMPLE  \\   % title %CAPITAL LETTERS

%% Authors %%%%%%
\author{Name1 and Name2} % authors

%%%%%%%%%%% Affiliation %%%%%%%%%%%%
        \hspace{0.3cm}  Mathematical section in Interdisciplinary \\
         \hspace{0.3cm}  Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering\\
         \hspace{0.3cm}  Yamanashi University \\
         \hspace{0.3cm}  Kofu, Yamanashi 400-8511 JAPAN\\

%%%%%%% Write a remark whether the paper is in a final form or not %%%%%%%%

%%%Default is the following
 \thanks{The detailed version of this paper will be submitted 
 for publication elsewhere.}

%%If you don't intend to publish this article, you remove the comment of 
%%the following two lines and put the comment (%%) in the above two lines.

%% \thanks{The paper is in a final form and no version of it will
%% be submitted for publication elsewhere.}

%%You can change the sentence of this information like the following.

%% \thanks{The detailed /final/ version of this paper will be /has 
%% been/ submitted for publication elsewhere.}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Text Area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Abstract Form %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


The contents.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The followings are option %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \bigskip

% {\it Key Words:} \quad Ring, Algebra, Representation.

% \medskip
% {\it $2000$ Mathematics Subject Classification{\rm :}} 
% \quad Primary  16Gxx, 16Dxx;  Secondary 16Exx, 16Lxx.



%%%% the form of references

%% \bibliographystyle{amsplain} 
\newcommand{\bysame}{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\,} 

%%%% Use the label in the form {Name: No. the sequence of Number}.

M.~Auslander, {\em Represenattion theory of artin algebras {\rm i}}, Comm. in 
  Algebra {\bf 1} (1974), 177--258. 

S.O. Smal$\phi$, {\em Global dimension of special endomorphism rings over artin
  algebras}, Illinois J. Math. {\bf 22(3)} (1978), 414--427. 
\bysame, {\em Structure of special endomorphism rings over artin algebras}, 
  Illinois J. Math. {\bf 22(3)} (1978), 428--442. 
%%%% You can use \bysame if the authors are the same as the above.


