 \large\bf Conference on Commutative Algebra\\
 to the Memory of
 Professor Hideyuki Matsumura\\
 \normalsize Nagoya, Japan\\
 August 26--28, 1996\\
 \large\bf First Announcement
 Professor Hideyuki Matsumura passed away in August 1995.
 To the memory of Professor Matsumura, S. Mukai and M. Hashimoto
 at Nagoya University are planning to organize
 \hspace{4mm}\=Conference on Commutative Algebra to the Memory of\\
      \>Professor Hideyuki Matsumura\\
      \>Nagoya, Japan\\
      \>August 26--28, 1996.
 Conference will start in the morning of August~26, and end in the
 late afternoon of August~28.
 Unfortunately, there are still unsolved financial problems.
 There will be no conference fee for participants from outside of Japan.
 At this moment, the following mathematicians are planning to join
 the program:
 \hspace {4mm}\=L. Avramov (Purdue, U.S.A.)\\
              \>W. Bruns (Osnabr\"uck, Germany)\\
 	     \>D. Buchsbaum (Brandeis, U.S.A.)\\
 	     \>D. Eisenbud (Brandeis, U.S.A.)\\
 	     \>A. Geramita (Queens, Canada)\\
 	     \>J. Herzog   (Essen, Germany)\\
 	     \>C. Rotthaus (Michigan, U.S.A.)\\
 	     \>R. Sharp (Sheffield, U.K.)\\
 	     \>G. Valla (Genova, Italy)\\
 	     \>W. Vogel (Massey, New Zealand)
 Persons interested to participate are asked to take a contact to the
 following address as soon as possible in order to obtain more details.
 E-mail\=: {\tt hasimoto@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp}\\
 Mail\>: Nagoya University College of Medical Technology\\
     \> ~~1--1--20 Daikominami, Higashi-ku, Nagoya 461~~~~~JAPAN\\
 FAX\>: (+81) 52--723--0290\\
 Please specify your postal address, fax number and E-mail address.
 Information about registration, accommodation, and others
 will be distributed before the end of March.
 Please distribute this announcement to any interested person.