o           ANT BIE EDI ESS IOA LEE MUR PAR TOR TRO          o
o         Invariants and Representations of Algebras         o



   Computational Methods for Representations of Groups and Algebras

                     April 1-5, 1997

       Institute for Experimental Mathematics, Essen

       G. Michler (Essen) and P. Draexler (Bielefeld)

|            Tentative list of speakers and titles:                     
|  INTRODUCTORY LECTURES:                                               
| P. Draexler (Bielefeld) Classification problems in the representation 
|                         theory of algebras                            
| H. Gollan (Essen)       Parallel linear algebra over finite fields    
| E. Green (Blacksburg)   Projective resolutions and Groebner bases     
|                         for path algebras                              
| R. Wilson (Birmingham)  Computer constructions of finite simple groups
| KEYNOTE AND FOCAL LECTURES:                                           
| J. Carlson (Athens)     Computer calculations of modules and          
|                         cohomology                                    
| P. Dowbor (Torun)       Weighted projective lines canonical           
|                         algebras                                      
| F. Du Cloux             Some open problems in the theory of Coxeter   
|    (Villeurbanne)       groups and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials        
| B. Fischer (Bielefeld)  Computing in finite sporadic simple groups    
| P. Fleischmann (Essen)  On degree bounds for modular invariant rings  
| D. Green (Essen)        Computing cohomology of p-groups              
| G.M. Greuel             Introduction to SINGULAR and SINGULAR at work 
|    (Kaiserslautern)                                                   
| G. Havas (Brisbane)     Coset enumeration and related topics          
| D. Holt (Warwick)       Computation in finitely presented groups      
| H. Lenzing (Paderborn)  Coxeter transformations associated with       
|                         finite dimensional algebras                   
| F. Luebeck (Heidelberg) CHEVIE - dealing with generic groups of       
|                         Lie typ, Weyl groups and Iwahori-Hecke        
|                         algebras on a computer                        
| T. Mora (Genova)        An introduction to commutative and            
|                         non-commutative  Groebner bases               
| J. Mueller (Heidelberg) Computation in Iwahori-Hecke algebras         
| S. Ovsienko (Kiev)      Bimodule and matrix problems                  
| J. A. de la Pena        Integral quadratic forms and algebras:        
|    (Mexico)             Some theoretical and computational aspects    
| V. Ufnarovski (Lund)    Non-commutative Groebner bases and            
|                         Anick's resolution                            
There will be experimental sessions guided by training experts:
M. Barot (Mexico), T. Bruestle (Bielefeld), T. Huebner (Paderborn),
M. Kuenzer (Bielefeld), R. Noerenberg (Bielefeld), R. Roelse (Essen),
J. Rosenboom (Essen), R. Tiefenbrunner (Berlin), C. Wagner (Essen),
M. Weller (Essen).
The aim of the conference is to bring together established scientists
and young researchers (i.e., aged under 35).
The conference is intended to provide a concise introduction to the
use of computational methods in parts of group theory, representation
theory and invariant theory.
Young researchers from the EU and associated countries are especially
invited to participate. They can apply for full support both for the
travel and for their local expenses at Essen.
Applications for support should include the following information:
Last name, first name, age, nationality, university/company, 
address, phone number, fax number (if possible), university degrees,
brief curriculum vitae since graduation, current or projected research
activities, comments on benefit of participation from supervisor or 
department head (optional).
Applications may be sent to one of the organizers by email or letter,
if possible before February 14, 1997.

G. Michler
Institut fuer Experimentelle Mathematik
Ellernstrasse 29
45326 Essen, GERMANY

P. Draexler
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Bielefeld
POBox 100131
33501 Bielefeld, GERMANY
This is the first Euroconference in a series of four organized by the
network `Invariants and Representations of Algebras' (Antwerp, Bielefeld,
Edinburgh, Essen, Ioannina, Leeds, Murcia, Paris VI, Torun, Trondheim)
and coordinated by C.M. Ringel (Bielefeld). The series is sponsored by
the TMR programme of the European Union. Additional support for the first
conference is provided by the IEM (Essen) and the SFB 343 (Bielefeld).

For up-to-date information about the network and the conferences consult: