E-mail information service of the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998 Twentieth Circular Letter Subject: ICM98-CL20: ICM'98-VideoMath/Call for Videos Dear colleague: The International Congress of Mathematicians 1998 (ICM'98) will host "VideoMath", a festival of the most outstanding mathematical videos, to be publicly shown in a fullsized theater at ICM'98 in August 1998 in Berlin. VideoMath is part of the "cultural program" at ICM'98, and shall attract a broad audience: ICM attendees, students, teachers, and the proverbial man-in-the-street with an inclination towards mathematics. Performances are open to the public and will take place during the period of the conference. Entries for VideoMath are solicited from all areas of mathematical visualization and computer graphics. Submissions should meet the highest standards of mathematical content, visualization techniques, artistic design, and technical quality. An international program committee will select the best contributions for inclusion in the festival show. A PRIZE of DM 5000 will be awarded to recognize the most outstanding contribution. The deadline for submissions is April 3, 1998. Please, inform collegues at your department and motivate visualization experts to submit videos. A poster with a "Call for Videos" has recently been sent to many institutions world-wide. Detailed information about the festival and the submission process is available at http://www-sfb288.math.tu-berlin.de/VideoMath/ For inquiries and requests to poster and information material, please, send an e-mail to video-math@zib.de We thank you for your help. Sincerely, Hans-Christian Hege (ZIB Berlin) Konrad Polthier (TU Berlin) VideoMath Organizing Committee ************************************************************************* This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing information about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM'98 can be found on the ICM'98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98 To subscribe to this e-mail service and to obtain the Second Announcement of ICM'98, fill out the request form on the ICM'98 server. Alternatively, send an empty e-mail to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form. ************************************************************************* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98| | (with request form for Second Announcement) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | ICM'98 General E-mail Address: icm98@zib.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Address for ICM'98 ICM'98 | | General Correspondence: c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler | | TU Berlin, MA 8-2 | | Str. des 17. Juni 135 | | D-10623 Berlin, Germany | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Winkler's personal | Phone: +49/30/314-24105 | | phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49/30/314-21604 | | | E-mail: winkler@math.tu-berlin.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: groetschel@zib.de | | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 | | Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 | | Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch | | D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 | | Germany | ZIB-URL: http://www.zib.de | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
E-mail information service of the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998 Nineteenth Circular Letter Subject: ICM98-CL19: List and Schedule of the Plenary Speakers Dear colleague: The one-hour Plenary Lectures and the forty-five-minute Invited Lectures form the core of every ICM. By means of a lengthy and complicated process, leading researchers from all areas of mathematics are selected by the IMU appointed Program Committee (PC) to present lectures covering recent developments in the major areas of mathematics. The decisions of the PC are based, in the case of ICM'98, on suggestions from nineteen section panels. The "IMU terms of reference" state, e.g., the following about the Plenary Lectures: > ONE-HOUR LECTURES > > The preparation of the list of one-hour lectures is one of the primary > tasks of the PC. They may or may not seek the advice of the Panels > as they think fit. When choosing the speaker, the P.C. should take > into account that diversity of themes is much desirable. If two > lectures are likely to have a partial overlap, it is the duty of the > P.C. to bring this to the attention of the lecturers concerned. The > lectures should be broad surveys of some recent major developments, > aimed at the entire mathematical community. Invited one-hour speakers > should be given a precise indication by the P.C. of what is expected > from them. They should be outstanding mathematicians and good > lecturers. The P.C.should consider encouraging them to write up > their lectures in advance to be distributed at the congress; such a > suggestion would appear in the letters of invitation to the speakers. > In all cases, at least summaries of the lectures should be prepared > beforehand. The IMU rules also say: > The privilege of sending the invitations belongs to the Organizing > Committee of the Congress. This invitation process for Plenary Speakers is now over. Twenty-one top mathematicians have accepted the invitation to give one-hour addresses. Here is the list of speakers together with their affiliations and their fields of research interests. The titles of the presentations are due by May 1, 1998. Many of the names and addresses have umlauts or carry accents. To provide correct spelling, the list below is in LATEX style. \documentclass{article} \parindent0mm \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{list}{}{% \setlength{\topsep}{1mm plus 1mm}% \setlength{\parsep}{0mm}% \setlength{\itemsep}{1mm}% \setlength{\listparindent}{0mm}% \setlength{\partopsep}{0mm}% \setlength{\leftmargin}{0mm}% \setlength{\rightmargin}{0mm}% \setlength{\itemindent}{0mm}% \setlength{\labelsep}{2mm}% \setlength{\labelwidth}{-2mm}% } \item[\bfseries Jean-Michel Bismut] (Universit\'{e} Paris-Sud, Orsay, France): Differential Geometry and Global Analysis \item[\bfseries Christopher Deninger] (Universit\"at M\"unster, Germany): Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, L-Functions of Motives \item[\bfseries Persi Diaconis] (Mathematics and ORIE, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA): Statistics, Probability, Algebraic Combinatorics \item[\bfseries Giovanni Gallavotti] (Universit\'a La Sapienza, Roma, Italy): Dynamical Systems, Statistical Mechanics, Probability \item[\bfseries Wolfgang Hackbusch] (Universit\"at Kiel, Germany): Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing \item[\bfseries Helmut H. W. Hofer] (Courant Institute, New York University, USA): Global Analysis, Dynamical Systems \item[\bfseries Ehud Hrushovski] (Hebrew University of Jeru\-sa\-lem, Israel): Logic \item[\bfseries I.~G.~Macdonald] (Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, England): Lie Groups, Algebraic Combinatorics \item[\bfseries St\'ephane Mallat] (\'{E}cole Polytechnique, CMAP, Palaiseau, France): Applied Mathematics, Signal Processing \item[\bfseries Dusa McDuff] (SUNY Stony Brook, USA): Symplectic Topology \item[\bfseries Tetsuji Miwa] (RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan): Integrable Systems, Infinite Dimensional Algebras \item[\bfseries J\"urgen Moser] (ETH Z\"urich, Switzerland): Dynamical Systems, Partial Differential Equations \item[\bfseries George C. Papanicolaou] (Stanford University, USA): Applied Mathematics, Probability \item[\bfseries Gilles Pisier] (Universit\'{e} Paris VI, France and Texas A\&M University, College Station, USA): Functional Analysis \item[\bfseries Peter Sarnak] (Princeton University, USA): Number Theory \item[\bfseries Peter W. Shor] (AT\&T Labs, Florham Park, USA): Computer Science \item[\bfseries Karl Sigmund] (University of Vienna, Austria): Mathematical Ecology, Evolutionary Game Theory \item[\bfseries Michel Talagrand] (C.N.R.S., Universit\'e Paris VI, France): Probability, Statistical Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Measure Theory \item[\bfseries Cumrun Vafa] (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA and Tehran, Iran): String Theory, Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity \item[\bfseries Marcelo Viana] (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory \item[\bfseries Vladimir Voevodsky] (Northwestern University, Evanston, USA): Algebraic Cycles and Motives \end{list} \end{document} Moreover, the Organizing Committee has made a schedule of the Plenary Lectures. This schedule is final (but, of course, you never know what will happen in the next eight months). The Plenary Addresses will be presented in the morning sessions - with two exceptions. There will be no talks parallel to a Plenary Lecture! One Plenary Lecture is scheduled for the afternoon of the first day (August 18, 1998). It will be given by Juergen Moser. Another Plenary Talk (by Persi Diaconis) will be presented in the afternoon of the last day (August 27). It will start at 2 p.m. There are two Plenary Lectures in each morning session of the first week (Wednesday to Saturday). The schedule is as follows: First lecture: 9:30 - 10:30 coffee break Second Lecture: 11:00 - 12:00 lunch break In the second week (Monday to Thursday) we will have three Plenary Lectures each morning with the following schedule: First lecture: 9:00 - 10:00 break Second Lecture: 10:15 - 11:15 coffee break Third lecture: 11:45 - 12:45 lunch break The speaker schedule is as follows: Tuesday, August 18: Moser (afternoon) Wednesday, August 19: Shor, Hrushovski Thursday, August 20: McDuff, Macdonald Friday, August 21: Hofer, Voevodsky Saturday, August 22: Hackbusch, Noether Lecture Monday, August 24: Sigmund, Talagrand, Vafa Tuesday, August 25: Papanicolaou, Miwa, Pisier Wednesday, August 26: Deninger, Gallavotti, Bismut Thursday, August 27: Viana, Mallat, Sarnak afternoon: Diaconis The Noether Lecture on August 22 belongs to the "Section of Special Activities". It was suggested by a group representing "Women in Mathematics" and was approved by IMU and the ICM'98 Organizing Committee. The Noether Lecture will be presented by Cathleen S. Morawetz (New York). The first Plenary Lecture (by J. Moser) will be delivered in the afternoon of the opening day at the International Congress Center (ICC). The other addresses will be given in the Auditorium Maximum (lecture hall H 105) of the TU Berlin. The Auditorium Maximum has a capacity of 1200 seats. The talks will also be shown in an adjoining lecture hall via closed-circuit television, so that an audience of more than 2000 people can be reached. Sincerely Martin Groetschel President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee ************************************************************************* This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing information about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM'98 can be found on the ICM'98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98 To subscribe to this e-mail service and to obtain the Second Announcement of ICM'98, fill out the request form on the ICM'98 server. Alternatively, send an empty e-mail to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form. ************************************************************************* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98| | (with request form for Second Announcement) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | ICM'98 General E-mail Address: icm98@zib.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Address for ICM'98 ICM'98 | | General Correspondence: c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler | | TU Berlin, MA 8-2 | | Str. des 17. Juni 135 | | D-10623 Berlin, Germany | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Winkler's personal | Phone: +49/30/314-24105 | | phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49/30/314-21604 | | | E-mail: winkler@math.tu-berlin.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: groetschel@zib.de | | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 | | Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 | | Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch | | D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 | | Germany | ZIB-URL: http://www.zib.de | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
================================================================= International Congress MCM of Mathematicians XCV Berlin, Germany III August 18-27, 1998 ICM _________________________________________________________________ First Announcement _________________________________________________________________ The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that the next International Congress of Mathematicians will take place in Berlin, Germany, from Tuesday, August 18, through Thursday, August 27, 1998. It will be held under the auspices of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and sponsored by many other institutions. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical Program ----------------------------------------------------------------- Responsibility for the scientific program lies with the Program Committee appointed by IMU. There will be about twenty one-hour Plenary Lectures covering recent developments in the major areas of mathematics and about 170 forty-five-minute Invited Lectures in nineteen sections. The sections are as follows: 1. Logic 2. Algebra 3. Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry 4. Algebraic Geometry 5. Differential Geometry and Global Analysis 6. Topology 7. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 8. Analysis 9. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 10. Partial Differential Equations 11. Mathematical Physics 12. Probability and Statistics 13. Combinatorics 14. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science 15. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing 16. Applications 17. Control Theory and Optimization 18. Teaching and Popularization of Mathematics 19. History of Mathematics Every registered participant (traditionally called Ordinary Member) of the Congress will have the opportunity to give a short presentation, either during a poster session or in the form of a fifteen-minute lecture. A formal call for such presentations will be issued in the Second Announcement. Informal mathematical seminars may be organized at the initiative of groups of participants. English, French, German, and Russian are the official languages of the Congress. All Plenary and Invited Lectures will be published in the Proceedings of ICM'98; after the Congress, a complimentary copy of these Proceedings will be sent to each Ordinary Member. Abstracts of all lectures and of all short presentations will be distributed free of charge to Ordinary Members at Congress check-in. The Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize will be awarded during the Opening Ceremony on the first day of the Congress. This will take place in the International Congress Center Berlin (ICC); all other scientific events will be held at Technische Universitaet Berlin. No scientific activities are scheduled for Sunday, August 23. In an effort to reach out to a wider audience, the ICM'98 organizers have initiated several cultural activities related to mathematics that are attractive to the general public. In particular, there will be a VideoMath Festival, software demonstrations, talks about mathematics and its relations to other subjects, several exhibitions (`Mathematics in the Arts', etc.), and other events (`Mathematics and Music', etc.). Special consideration will be given to the impact of the Nazi regime on mathematics in Berlin and Germany. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Social Events ----------------------------------------------------------------- On August 18, a buffet-banquet for all registered participants will be held at noon directly after the Opening Ceremony in the ICC. During the Congress, a number of guided tours of Berlin, visits to museums, and walking tours will be offered. On Sunday, August 23, it will be possible to choose from several excursions. For that evening, tickets have been reserved for the opera `The Magic Flute' at the Deutsche Oper. Registered participants may purchase tickets in advance for these events as well as for many day trips and pre- or post-congress tours to places of interest in the vicinity of Berlin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organization ----------------------------------------------------------------- Up-to-date information about all aspects of ICM'98 is available on the following website: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98 This includes information about registration, abstract submission, etc. Correspondence should be directed to icm98@zib.de It will be forwarded to an appropriate member of the Organizing Committee. If electronic communication is not available you may also write to ICM'98 c/o Prof.Dr. J. Winkler TU Berlin, MA 8-2 Strasse des 17. Juni 135 D-10623 Berlin, Germany FAX: +49/30/314-21604 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration and Accommodation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DER-CONGRESS, a professional congress and tour organizer, has been appointed by the Organizing Committee to handle all non-scientific matters for individual participants: registration to the Congress and the social events, hotel reservation, tourist program, collection of registration fees, etc. The formal registration procedure for the Congress will be described in the Second Announcement (see below). Participants will be housed in a variety of hotels in Berlin; the necessary reservations have already been made by DER-CONGRESS. In addition, DER-CONGRESS will make student residences available and will provide a certain amount of private accommodation at a cheap rate for participants willing to accept less comfort. Detailed information on locations and rates will be provided in the Second Announcement. Forms for registration and accomodation requests will be made available on the ICM'98 server in January 1998. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Announcement ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Second Announcement of ICM'98 will describe the activities of the Congress in more detail and give instructions on how to complete the registration process and obtain accommodation. It will provide more, although not complete, information on the scientific program, contain a call for contributed short presentations, and give instructions regarding the submission of abstracts. The Second Announcement will also include advice on how to proceed upon arrival at airports and train stations, and it will be accompanied by a brochure describing the day trips and tours organized by DER-CONGRESS. Several conferences of a more specialized nature are scheduled immediately before or after ICM'98. The Second Announcement will also contain a list of such `satellite conferences'. To receive the Second Announcement, fill out the form on the ICM'98 server (http://elib.zib.de/ICM98). Alternatively, send an empty e-mail to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form. If this is not possible for you, please fill out the form below and send it to the ICM'98 Secretary Prof. Winkler (see address above). The Second Announcement will be mailed from Berlin at the beginning of 1998. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive the Second Announcement of ICM'98. _______________________________________________________________________ Name: last/family/surname: first/given name: middle name/initial: Address: institution: street and number: postal code: city: country: E-mail:
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