            *      TWENTY YEARS OF TILTING THEORY        *
            *    - an Interdisciplinary Symposium -      * 
            *         November 18-22, 2002               *
            *         Fraueninsel, Germany               * 
                 ****  First Announcement  ****                                      

Tilting modules were born about twenty years ago in the context of finite 
dimensional algebras. Since then, tilting theory has spread in many different 
directions, and nowadays it plays an important role in various branches 
of modern algebra, ranging from Lie theory and algebraic geometry to 
homotopical algebra. The aim of this meeting is to bring together for the 
first time experts from different fields where tilting is relevant or even 
of central importance. There will be several lecture series and survey talks 
on the use of tilting theory in different contexts, as well as a number of 
additional talks contributed by the participants.

Here is a tentative list of the invited speakers: 

               M. van den Bergh (University of Limburg)
               S. Brenner (University of Liverpool)
               T. Brüstle (University of Bielefeld) 
               M. Butler (University of Liverpool)
               S. Donkin (University of London)  
               K. Erdmann (University of Oxford) 
               K. Fuller (University of Iowa) 
               B. Keller (University of Paris VII) 
               S. ––nig (University of Leicester) 
               H. Lenzing (University of Paderborn) 
               O. Mathieu (University of Lyon) 
               J. Miyachi (Tokyo Gakugei University) 
               I. Reiten (NTNU Trondheim) 
               J. Rickard (University of Bristol) 
               R. Rouquier (University of Paris VII) 
               J. Trlifaj (Charles University Prague) 

The meeting will take place in the Abtei Frauenwörth, a monastery on the island 
Fraueninsel on the Bavarian lake Chiemsee. The monastery offers both accomodation (for at most 50 participants) and lecture rooms, while the meals will be taken in a nearby restaurant. 

Lidia Angeleri ”úgel (Munich), 
Dieter Happel (Chemnitz), 
Henning Krause (Bielefeld). 

Further details under:    http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~tilting

If you are interested in receiving further information on the meeting,
please send an empty message with subject "SUBSCRIBE" at the following

e-mail:    tilting@mathematik.uni-muenchen.de