Information from Airport to Kyung Hee University :

At the Airport  I recommend the Yeongtong bus line for you.

Limousine bus station : 7B
Traveling time : about 90 mins
Fare : 12,000 Korean Won
Destination : Yeong Tong
Time line of departure : 7:30  8:30  9:30  10:30  11:30  12:30  13:30  14:30 
 15:30  16:00  16:30  17:30  18:30  19:30   20:00 20:30  21:30  22:30

Please take off the final bus stop(Yeong Tong). 
Kyung Hee University is very near the final bus stop of the Yeongtong bus line.
Actually it takes 5 minites to the Kyung Hee University by taxi. 
If you are in the gate of  the Kyung Hee University at Suwon by taxi, 
then you can go straightaway  about  300 meters.
Then you can see the 2nd dormitary on your right side at the front of a hill. 
 And you can right turn there. 
I think many taxi drivers know  newly built  the 2nd dormitory.

Somebody will guide you at the campus on 27 June.