Here are the ABSTRACTS for lectures.You can see one of each abstract from the list of lectures below.
No. | Speaker | Title | Abstract | Notes Slides |
1 | Takahide Adachi | On balanced Auslander-Dlab-Ringel algebras | ★ | |
2 | Takuma Aihara | On the weakly Iwanaga-Gorenstein property of gendo algebras | ★ | |
3 | Toshitaka Aoki | g-polytopes of Brauer graph algebras | ★ | ★ |
4 | Susumu Ariki | On cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras of affine type | ★ | ★ |
5 | Sota Asai | Wide subcategories and lattices of torsion classes | ★ | ★ |
6 | Hideto Asashiba | 2-categorical Cohen-Montgomery duality between categories with I-pseudo-actions and I-graded categories for a small category I | ★ | |
7 | Yoshitomo Baba | On two sided Harada rings and QF rings | ★ | |
8 | Aaron Chan | Recollement of comodule categories over coalgebra objects | ★ | ★ |
9 | Gyu Whan Chang | Unique Factorization property of non-UFDs | ★ | |
10 | Jianlong Chen | Generalized inverses and clean decompositions | ★ | |
11 | Xiaofeng Chen | The right core inverses of a product and a companion matrix | ★ | |
12 | Erik Darpö | Functors between higher cluster categories of type A | ★ | ★ |
13 | Alexander Diesl | Recent Results in Clean Rings | ★ | |
14 | Nanqing Ding | On Enochs conjecture | ★ | ★ |
15 | Thomas Dorsey | Questions and counterexamples on strongly clean rings | ★ | |
17 | Naoki Endo | Almost Gorenstein Rees algebras | ★ | |
18 | Haruhisa Enomoto | The Jordan-Hölder property, Grothendieck monoidsand Bruhat inversions | ★ | |
19 | Iwan Ernanto | Arithmetic Modules over Generalized Dedekind Domain | ★ | |
20 | Xianhui Fu | Ideal Approximation Theory | ★ | |
21 | Nan Gao | A functorial approach to monomorphism category for species | ★ | ★ |
22 | Yue Gu | On the Galois Linear Maps | ★ | |
23 | Ziyu Guo | Cohomology Rings and Application in Hypernormal Form for a Class of 4-Dimensional Vector Fields | ★ | |
24 | Norihiro Hanihara | Cohen-Macaulay modules over Yoneda algebras | ★ | ★ |
25 | Jiwei He | Noncommutative Auslander Theorem and noncommutative quotient singularities | ★ | ★ |
26 | Na'imah Hijriati | On Representation of a Ring with unity on a Module over a Ring with unity | ★ | |
27 | Naoya Hiramatsu | A remark on graded countable Cohen-Macaulay representation type | ★ | ★ |
28 | Takahiro Honma | On the gendo-symmetric algebra of a trivial extension algebra | ★ | ★ |
29 | Kui Hu | Some results on Noetherian Warfield domains | ★ | |
30 | Zhaoyong Huang | The Extension Dimension of Abelian Categories | ★ | ★ |
31 | Kei-ichiro Iima | On the 2-test modules of projectivity and weakly m-full ideals | ★ | ★ |
32 | Ryotaro Isobe | Ulrich ideals in hypersurfaces | ★ | |
33 | Ayako Itaba | Hochschild cohomology of Beilinson algebras of graded down-up algebras | ★ | ★ |
34 | Tomohiro Itagaki | The Hochschild cohomology of a class of exceptional periodic selfinjective algebras of polynomial growth | ★ | |
35 | Meimei Jiang | McCoy property over Jacobson radicals | ★ | |
36 | Haibo Jin | Cohen-Macaulay differential graded modules and negative Calabi-Yau configurations | ★ | ★ |
37 | Ryo Kanda | The characteristic variety of an elliptic algebra | ★ | |
38 | Bernhard Keller | Singular Hochschild cohomology and the singularity category | ★ | ★ |
39 | Hwankoo Kim | A new semistar operation on a commutative ring and its applications | ★ | |
40 | Nam Kyun Kim | Characterizations of radicals in skew polynomial and skew Laurent polynomial rings | ★ | |
41 | Yoshiyuki Kimura | Twist automorphism of quantum unipotent cells and the dual canonical bases | ★ | |
42 | Toshinori Kobayashi | A characterization of local rings of countable representation type | ★ | |
43 | Hideyuki Koie | An application of a theorem of Sheila Brenner for Hochschild extension algebras of a truncated quiver algebra | ★ | |
44 | Yuta Kozakai | Mutations for star-to-tree complexes and pointed Brauer trees | ★ | |
45 | Shinya Kumashiro | The Auslander-Reiten conjecture for non-Gorenstein rings | ★ | |
46 | Jung-Miao Kuo | Partial group actions and partial Galois extensions | ★ | |
47 | Tai Keun Kwak | On CRP rings | ★ | |
48 | Gangyong Lee | Rudimentary rings: Rings have a faithful indecomposable endoregular module | ★ | ★ |
49 | Tsiu-Kwen Lee | A note on Skolem-Noether algebras | ★ | |
50 | Libin Li | The center subalgebra of the quantized enveloping algebra of a simple Lie algebra revisited | ★ | |
51 | Linlin Liu | Rota-Baxter H-operators and pre-Lie H-pseudoalgebras over a cocommutative Hopf algebra H | ★ | |
52 | Lixin Mao | Relative coherent modules and semihereditary modules | ★ | ★ |
53 | Xuefeng Mao | DG polynomial algebras and their homological properties | ★ | |
54 | Masaki Matsuno | AS-regularity of geometric algebras of plane cubic curves | ★ | ★ |
55 | Naoyuki Matsuoka | Efficient generation of ideals in core subalgebras of the polynomial ring k[t] over a field k | ★ | |
56 | Hiroyuki Minamoto | On a cubical generalization of preprojective algebras | ★ | |
57 | Izuru Mori | Noncommutative Matrix Factorizations and Knörrer's Periodicity Theorem | ★ | ★ |
58 | Kazunori Nakamoto | An application of Hochschild cohomology to the moduli of subalgebras of the full matrix ring II | ★ | |
59 | Tsutomu Nakamura | Pure derived categories and weak balanced big Cohen-Macaulay modules | ★ | ★ |
60 | Pace P. Nielsen | Nilpotent polynomials with non-nilpotent coefficients | ★ | |
61 | Tsunekazu Nishinaka | On Thompson's group F and its group algebra | ★ | ★ |
62 | Yasuaki Ogawa | General heart construction and the Gabriel-Quillen embedding | ★ | ★ |
63 | Dong Yeol Oh | The chain conditions on ideals in composite generalized power series rings | ★ | |
64 | Sei-Qwon Oh | Relationships between quantized algebras and their semiclassical limits | ★ | ★ |
65 | Maiko Ono | On liftable DG modules over a commutative DG algebra | ★ | |
66 | Kazuho Ozeki | The structure of Sally modules and normal Hilbert coefficients | ★ | |
67 | Diah Junia Eksi Palupi | The Construction of a Continuous Linear Representation From a Topological Group Into Topological Module Space Over Principle Ideal Domain | ★ | |
68 | Mi Hee Park | Noetherian-like properties in polynomial and power series rings | ★ | |
69 | Manoj Kumar Patel | A NOTE ON FI-SEMI INJECTIVE MODULES | ★ | |
70 | Andreas Reinhart | On the monoid of ideals of orders in quadratic number fields | ★ | |
71 | Masahisa Sato | Is Ware's problem true or not ? | ★ | |
72 | Guodong Shi | Q-graded Hopf quasigroups | ★ | |
73 | Yoshiharu Shibata | When is a quasi-discrete module quasi-projective? | ★ | |
74 | Kaori Shimada | On the radius of the category of extensions of matrix factorizations | ★ | |
75 | Kenichi Shimizu | Action functor formalism | ★ | |
76 | S. Paul Smith | Elliptic algebras | ★ | ★ |
77 | Sutopo | Positively Graded rings which are maximal orders and Generalized Dedekind Rings | ★ | |
78 | Mayu Tsukamoto | Constructions of rejective chains | ★ | |
79 | Derya Keskin Tütüncü | Baer-Kaplansky Classes in Categories | ★ | ★ |
80 | Kenta Ueyama | Knörrer's periodicity for skew quadric hypersurfaces | ★ | ★ |
81 | Satoshi Usui | A Batalin-Vilkovisky differential on the complete cohomology ring of a Frobenius algebra | ★ | |
83 | Tongsuo Wu | Boolean Graphs - A Survey | ★ | |
84 | Zhixiang Wu | The classification of Leibniz conformal algebras of rank three | ★ | |
85 | Kunio Yamagata | On a problem of socle-deformations of self-injectve orbit algebras | ★ | |
86 | Kota Yamaura | Happel's functor and homologically well-graded Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras | ★ | ★ |
87 | Yuji Yoshino | Auslander-Bridger theory for projective complexes over commutative Noetherian rings | ★ | |
88 | Toshiya Yurikusa | Density of g-vector cones from triangulated surfaces | ★ | ★ |
90 | Xiaojin Zhang | Tilting modules over Auslander-Gorenstein algebras | ★ | |
91 | Yingying Zhang | Semibricks, wide subcategories and recollements | ★ | ★ |
93 | De Chuan Zhou | On an open problem concerning the small finitistic dimension of a commutative ring | ★ | |
94 | Guisong Zhou | The structure of connected (Hopf) algebras | ★ | |
95 | Shaotao Zhu | Quaternion Ring and Application in Hypernormal Form of 4 Dimensional Semi-Simple Nonlinear Dynamical Systems | ★ | |
96 | Shenglin Zhu | Structure of Irreducible Yetter-Drinfeld modules over cosemisimple quasi-triangular Hopf algebras | ★ | |
97 | Michal Ziembowski | Lie solvability in matrix algebras | ★ |