Takahide Adachi and Mayu Tsukamoto
A bijection between silting subcategories and bounded hereditary cotorsion pairs
Takuma Aihara and Taro Sakurai
On τ-tilting finiteness of group algebras
Hideto Asashiba, Emerson G. Escolar, Ken Nakashima and Michio Yoshiwaki
Approximation by interval-decomposables and interval resolutions of 2D persistence mod- ules
Hideto Asashiba and Shengyong Pan
A characterization of standard derived equivalences of diagrams of dg categories and their gluing
Yuichiro Goto
Connectedness of quasi-hereditary structures
Haigang Hu, Masaki Matsuno and Izuru Mori
Noncommutative conics in Calabi-Yau quantum projective planes I, II
Ayako Itaba, Yuta Shiba and Katsunori Sanada
Symmetric cohomology and symmetric Hochschild cohomology of cocommutative Hopf algebras
Ryo Kanda
Projective objects in the category of discrete modules over a profinite group
Kaito Kimura
On the openness of loci over Noetherian rings
Yuta Kimura
Combinatorics of quasi-hereditary structures
Yuta Kozakai
Tilting complexes over blocks covering cyclic blocks
Naoko Kunugi and Kyoichi Suzuki
Relative stable equivalences of Morita type for the principal blocks of finite groups
Hiroki Matsui
Categorical entropy of the Frobenius pushforward functor
Kazunori Nakamoto and Yasuhiro Omoda
Characterization of 4-dimensional non-thick irreducible representations
Yasuaki Ogawa
Localization of triangulated categories with respect to extension-closed subcategories
Shingo Okuyama
A new framework of partially additive algebraic geometry
Yuya Otake
Higher versions of morphisms represented by monomorphisms
Kazuho Ozeki
The reduction number of stretched ideals
Shunya Saito
The spectrum of Grothendieck monoid
Arashi Sakai
On IE-closed subcategories
Masahisa Sato
On generalized Nakayama-Azumaya’s lemma and the final report on Ware’s problem
Ryo Takahashi
Dimitrov-Haiden-Katzarkov-Kontsevich complexities for singularity categories
Kenta Ueyama
Twisted Segre products and noncommutative quadric surfaces
Satoshi Usui
Characterization of eventually periodic modules and its applications